Monday, March 22, 2010

The Energy Not To Conform: Leftist Beat Fetish

Hip Hop was the stretched simplicity of a break down within a orchestrated rhythm song to give those musicians a kinda break unlike jazz that kept the complexity from beginning to end. Within the use of two turn tables the simplistic break was extended
and celebrated. You have a generation of humans that orchestrates a simplistic beat with a sort of complexity in the drum pattern. These simplistic complex beats have been practiced on lunch tables ,lockers,bleachers, and trash cans . Now with the invention of drum machines this energy to complex a simplistic beat from the knuckles fist and palm can be recorded. It took years for drummers to master their style and technique. Now drumming can be simple as taps on a pad recorded and over dubbed. This slow retardation of Drumming for dummies is the now contemporary and this drum pad tapping mother fuckers are being revealed as genius. They cover up the fact that this simplistic retarded drum pattern is not what it appears to be and that it's not genius but less than that. They have the retarded talentless production documented on Youtube videos and they attached a slang positive reenforcement like "Dope" or "fresh" with a head nod that immediately means you approve of the what comes out the speaker. The lie (talentless musicians) been up held for so long that on instant when a known producer play a instrumental the heads nod with not a pause of processing of what's being digested. Now you have digital equipment that frees the artist and musician from repetitious retardation simplistic art form. So the breaks are can be as complex or birth of new drum patterns can be birth. So these talentless so proclaimed producers are sitting there with heads full of simplistic garbage that will no longer be accepted as "genius" music. The liberation of staleness in Hip Hop music is no loger and it will be array of colorful sounds and music.

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